
Serengeti National Park

Imagine gooing into one ofthe most far and wild places in Africa...  imagine visiting the biggest and better protected grassland of the continent, an incredible place where hundreds of thousands of animals live and fight for survival... imagine to see the cheetah, the leopard, the hyenas, entire prides of lions following the largest animal migration of the earth... imagne to visit one of the places in Africa with more biodiversity and amazing wildlife ... that place is Serengeti National Park in Tanzania


 Serengeti National Park in Tanzania is home to a wide variety of wildlife and habitats, home to one of the highest concentrations of large mammals on the continent, including lions, hyenas, zebras, giraffes, and elephants.

Serengeti may be the world's largest lion sanctuary, with an estimated population of 4,000,  Serengeti's wildebeest population is the largest of any big mammal, with over 1.8 million individuals.

The wildebeest's annual migration across the Serengeti Plains is a primary tourist attraction, also Serengeti is home to 500 bird species, including the Fischer's Lovebird and Kuri bustard.

The vegetation of Serengeti's is a unique transition area from rich flat soils in the south to poor hilly soils in the north leads to a great diversity of vegetation and habitats.

The Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem is also home to four globally threatened or endangered species: black rhinoceros, elephant, wild dog, and cheetah.


Why Serengeti National Park is such an Amazing Place?

Serengeti National Park, Named Unesco Heritage Conservation Site is one of the most important biodiversity sanctuaries of the world that keeps safe really endangared species like the Black Rino, the Cheetah and Wild Dog,  conformed with 15,000 square kilometers, is the most important wildlife conservation territory of eastern Africa.

 Serengeti National Park is one of the most protected ecosystems due the efforts of conservation organizations all around the world along with Tanzania goverment to preserve this place as natural as posible, trying to promote sustainable tourism among their visitors.

Serengeti and Mara regions are the only places in the world that we would be able to see the largest and biggest migration of large mammals in the world, this migration ocurrs the whole year, 10 months on Serengeti plains and 2 months on  Mara region located north of Serengeti National Park on the border with Kenya, Serengeti tho, has their ecosystem better protected and preserved, what give us more chances to spot the most iconic animals of Africa in their natural behaviour.

Wich Wildlife we would find in Serengeti National Park?

Home to over than 1.2 million wildebeests, 300,000 gazelles, 200,000 zebras, 100,000 buffaloes, 2700 Elephants, 4000 Lions, 3500 Spotted Hyenas, 1000 Leopards, around 300 Cheetahs and more than 350 different species of birds, along with Ngorongoro Conservation Area is the biggest and most important sactuary of Eastern Africa for the conservation of african wildlife that still live in their natural habitat.

Serengeti National Park is also one of the last places of the world where you have chances to spot the Big Five (elephant, rihno, buffaloe, leopard and lion) along with the Cheetah and the most iconic species of Africa.


Activities That we Recommend to do in Serengeti National Park...

Serengeti 3 - 7 Day Trip Safari Expedition

>> 2 - 8 Participants

>> 3 - 7 Days

Serengeti National Park is probably the most important and iconic place of Tanzania, UNESCO Heritage Site of Humanity and deffinetly a place that you cant miss in your trip to Africa, on this Three yo Seven Day Trip Expedition, we would spend three to seven entire days in Serengeti National Park, exploring  the most important national park of Tanzania looking to spot some of the most iconic animals that live in this national park and enjoying such we would also visit Ngorongoro Conservation Reserve and have an oportunity to visit some Massai tribes and know one of the most ancient cultures of the world,

We would take you in an amazing safari tour adventure experience throw Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti National Park on a confort 4x4 safari vehicle and a friendly guide that would explain you about the cultural and history of this park and all the curious facts of the wildlife that lives in it and explore one of the wildest and more preserved ecosistems in the world where we have the bigger population of large mamals of the earth.

Activities of Serengeti 3 - 7 Day Trip:


1. Driving to Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater Small Entrance Museum

>> We would pick up you very early at 6am from your hotel in Arusha and will drive around 2.5 hrs to the entrance of Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area,  on the way we would have breakfast on a small local restaurant with different options, and a small stop on Maynara Lake viewpoint where we would enjoy an amazing landscape of this place and spot some of the local wildlife ,..  afterwards we will make a stop on the entrance of Ngorongoro Conservation Area,, we will visit a small museum of this amazing place where we would learn a bit of the geology, history and biodiversity that lives in this place, along with the important connection that this place has with Serengeti National Park.



2. Visit to Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area

Ngorongoro Crater is one of the most important and unique natural places of the world, this volcanic formation,  turned to be one of the most important sanctuaries for wildlife in the world, probably the most representative specie that lives here is the Black Rihno, one of the most endangared and unique species of the world, along with a lot of species of different birds, buffloes, antilopes, flamingos, and even some big cats like Lions or Leopards can be spotted in Ngorongoro Crater.

Ngorongororo Conservation Area also has one of the most amazing views of the world the landscapes from the top of the crater are just amazing and something you cant miss on the way to Serengeti National Par

On this activity, we will go around Ngorongoro Crater and will visit some of the most amazing viewpoints where we would enjoy some of the most beautyfull landscapes of the volcano, enjoying nature and looking for some of the wildlife that lives in the jungle that surrounds it like monkeys, buffalos , antilopes and lots of birds.

Also Ngorongoro Crater is home of the Masai Tribes, one of the most ancient indigenous tribes that lived in the world that preserve the culture of this continent, as they still live in the middle of the nature, surrounded by the African wildlife and still keep most of their ancient traditions.





3.  Safari Tour Inside Ngorongoro Crater

> (Optional with Aditional Cost)

>> We will drive inside the Ngorongoro Crater where we would keep enjoying some of the most amazing landscape sightseeing of this volcano formation, and admire the amazing jungle that surrounds it, afterwards  we would go with our 4x4 safari vehicle looking for some of the most amazing wildlife that lives on the plain surrounded by lakes where we would have chances to spot Lions, Zebras, Hippo, Leopard, Spotted Hyena, Wildebeest, Kudu, Waterbuck, Flamingos and we would have a unique chance to spot the Black Rihno, one of the mosrt rare and endangered species of the world.







4. Visit to  Olduvai Gorge Monument - Afternoon Safari in Serengeti National Park & Camping

On the way to Serengeti National Park we will visit  Olduval Monument and learn about human and cultural history of Serengeti National Park, since the human fosiles that where found on this place, afterwards we keep driving and around 2:00pm we will arrive to Serengeti National P鋜k Gate and will have lunch in its picnic site, we will have a small break and around 3:00pm we go on our first safari inside Serengeti National Park, where we would have chances to start spotting wildlife and will enjoy our first sunset in the park, we would head to Seronera Campsite to have some dinner, prepare our camping equipment and enjoy of our first amazing starry night in the middle of the reserve completly surrounded by nature and wildlife


>> If you prefer lodge or luxury camp accomodation instead of normal camping, we can offer you different options with aditional cost.




5. Moorning Serengeti Safari Tour

We would wake up really early in the moorning in order to see the sunrise, we will have a small breakfast, coffe and start with our morning safari tour looking for some of the big cats, carnivores and the big five, this time is perfect to spot this animals because they are finishing their hunt and nocturnal activities on this safari is when we would have more chances to spot them,  and with some luck we would even find some of them fetching for prey and hunting in their natural habitat, we also admire for the first time the amazing serengeti plane grassland and unique rock formations, some of the animals we would be able to see are elephants, buffaloes, giraffe, zebra, antilopes, hyenas, foxes, mangoose, meerkats, and with some luck leopard, cheetah, lions and bat eared foxes, around 12pm we will find a nice picnic spot to have lunch .




6. Annual Migration of Big Animal Heards  of Serengeti >> (15th October to 15th August)

>> Around Mid Day,  we would explore Serengeti National Park looking for the annual migration of species, on this adventure we would be able to admire an amazing and unique espectacle of thousands of wildebeasts, zebras, impalas and some other herbivores moving all along Serengeti National Park traveling in herds and watching out for predators, sometimes with some luck we would be able to see some predators prowling them on day light and watch some hunting actio

If you visit Serengeti National Park from late July to early November we probably have a chance to spot a spctacle that only ocurrs in Serengeti National Park, we would able to admire thousands of this animals crossing the Mara River , this chances increases on late July to August when animals cross to the Massai Mara Reserve and October to Early November when the migration comes back to Serengeti. The timing of the migration is dependent on environmental factors, weather, and the animals themselves. For example, late or early rains can delay or advance the migration.






7. Visit to the Most Importants Sightseen View Points of Serengeti National Park and River Beds and Lunch

>> At Mid Day we would explore Serengeti National Park and visit the most important view points ,  we would visit different rock formations and river beds, where we would be able to spot some animals like hippo, crocodiles and some other animals looking for refreshment like elephants, afterwards around 1pm we would take a break in our camping site or lodge, take lunch and some rest time.







8.Afternoon Safari Serengeti Adventure

After 3pm we would continue to explore Serengeti on diferent routes, looking for different animals on our check list, following the rivers, we would find some hervibores like impala, kudu, gasselles, topi, monkeys, and with some luck we could spot wild dog, aardwolf, bat eared fox, hartebeest,  porcupine, honey badger, Dik Dik, Klipspringer, Pangolin, Jackal, Fruit Bat, Waterbuck, Fish Eagle, Harrier Hawk, Hornbills, Darter Birds, Servals, and even we have some chances to spot a Black Rhino








Safari Camping in Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park is amazing place to have a Camping Experience in the middle of one of the most wild places of the earth, surrounded by lush vegetation, lot of wildlife, and one of the most beautyfull night skies of the earth, you will live an experience that you would never forget in a seccure and confortable way,

Serengeti Campsites offer full kitchen, bathrooms and confortable common areas to share your experience with other traveler

Our camping experience offers 100% waterproof tents, matress, sleeping bag, pillow, table and chair, all you need to be in contact and enjoy the nature in a unique way.

You can add camping nights to your serengeti adventure and extend your trip according to your budget and time that you want to spend on safari we higly reccomend this to increase your chances to spot more wildlife or if you want to do aditional activities and visit different national parks close to serengeti.


Sustainable Tours & Conservation Projects

Diba Adventure & Conservation, is coached by Biologist and Zoologist, in order to do our tours sustainable and friendly with the enviroment, causing the less impact on the nature and the wildlife that lives in the different national parks that we visit.

 We carry on  enviromental education projects with the local schools of the region and we aim to participate in different conservation projects in coolaboration with different wildlife organizations and Tanzania Goverment in order to protect and preserve our amazing national parks and the wildlife that lives in them, focusing in endangered species like the Cheetah, Wild Dog and Black Rihno.


Traveling on our 4x4 Full Equpped Confort Safari Vehicles

Our confort 4x4 Safari Vehicles would take you into this amazing adventure with a remoovable roof so you can watch the amazing landscapes and wildlife that lives on this place and you will be able to take amazing picture

All our 4x4 Safari vehicles are equipped with confortable seats, charging spots and WI-Fi, so you can enjoy an amazing experience during the Safari.


Aditional Optional Perks & Activities:


>> Gooing in Ngorongoro Crater

If you .come with us for camping 3 or more days  we can take you to Ngorongoro Crater, besides the amasing landscapes that this place offers, we would be able to see Hippos, Lions, Zebras, Antilopes, Watwerbucks, Flamingos and lot of birds, we also would have a high chance to spot the Black Rihno, a unique and rare specie that is critticaly endangared and Ngorongoro is one of the last sanctuaries of this especie.





>> Visit to Maynara Lake National Park

Visiting Serengeti National Park for 4 days or more we reccomend to spend half day in Maynara Lake National Park, surrounded by lush vegetation and amazing sightseeing landscapes, Maynara National Park is home of the famous Maynara Climbing Lions and blue monkeys. this place will offer us an amazing experience and we will visit the home of Timon and Pumba, one of the most amazing jungles of Tanzania.



>> Hot Air Balloon Serengeti Tour


We would be able to do a night Safari in Serengeti , in this magnificent experience we would be able to observe some of the nocturnal wildlife of the park, such as the carnivores and the iconic big cats that live in the national park.





>> Walking Safaris in Ngorongoro National Park

Enjoy an amazing walking safari in one of the most impressive national parks of Tanzania, in this activity we would walk at the same level of the wildlife of the park, in order to be able to find and see ones of the most iconic animals, guided by rangers that would preseve our integrity during this activity, full of adrenaline is a unique experience for those ones who enjoy adventure and chellenges .




> Cultural African Experiences

If you .come with us for camping 2 or more days  we would be able to take you to a Massai Village Tribe, where we would learn how this people live and some of their ancient costumes we would learn a bit of their history the relation they have with the wildlife and how this people got adapted to live and survive in one of the wildest places of the earth.





> Optional Confort Lodge or Luxury Camp Accomodation

If you looking for more comfortable safari, instead of camping accomodation we can offer you Lodge or Luxury Camping Accomodations as well, we know the best places inside the park to book you a very nice nice accomodation experience, in this case everything works the same, the only difference is that we would pick you up every day from the Lodge or Luxury Camp, and some of the meals would be taken in their Restaurants .



> Honeymoon Safaris

Forget about everything... just enjoy and let us worry about all the arrangements to organize the best honeymoon safari experience of a lifetime that you and your new partner will experience,

You will explore Serengeti National Park and any other parks or aditional activities you choose, sleeping in a nice and confortable accomodation located in some of the best lodges inside the national parks , with a friendly guide that would take you to discover our amazing wildlife ,.. so you can have an amazing and unforgettable honeymoon safari.






...take only memories... leave nothing but footprints... and help us to protect our amazing wildlife...

  • Diba Adventures & Conservation
  • Testimonial
    Thank you for the beautiful memories you helped us create with my family ,great job Diba Adventures! I had my first trip in Tanzania Arusha with my framily and what a memorable trip you guys gave us,your professionalism,kindness,patience was top notch!will definitely not hesitate to recommend Diba Adventures to anyone hoping to take a trip to Arusha Park!
    Linda Cibrario
  • Amazing Safari with very Professional Team I recently did a Three day safari with Diba Adventures to Tarangire, Manyara and Ngorongoro. This was the best trip of our stay in Arusha. We had an excellent team with us ( Basso) who's knowledge and expertise of the area was of great value and very educational. The safari cars were absolutely clean and all amenities included for our day safari. I would recommend Diba Adventures to anyone thinking of doing a safari in Arusha. Amazing experience and professional team.
  • BEST BEST BEST We are group of friends and wanted to see Serengeti and Ngorongoro. After searching and communicating with bunch of companies, we chose this one and we have no regrets 馃檪 First, communication was fast and without any problem. They were waiting for us in Arusha airport and left us in the aiport on our way back again. It was taking care of us the whole time. The special thanks belongs to Basso, amazing clever tour guide who give us unforgettable memories! He is really a special man and thanks to him, we have experience for rest of our lives. Also the chef was amazing and the meals he was cooking in the camps in the middle of parks were incredible. Higly recommend 馃檪

Our Amazing Staff Team & Experiences:

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Serengeti National Park Tours and Packages


>> Serengeti National Park 3 Days Camping Adventure

Two days of adventures 

Day 1: Top Ngorongoro & Serengeti Safari Expedition

Day 2 Serengeti Safari Expedition

Day 3 Serengeti Safari Expedition.

Rated in TripAdvisor:
3 days
2 - 8 Participants
Pick up from Arusha:
Full Meals:
Camping Equipment:
Camping Fees:
National Parks to Visit:
Top Ngorongoro Crater
Entrances & Permits
Optional Activities:
Full Ngorongoro Crater Safari
Walking Safaris
Massai Villa Visit  

>> Conservation Fees:

2 persons -

$1160 USD p.p

3 persons -  $1100 USD p.p

4 - 5 persons -  $1060 USD p,p

6 - 8 persons -  $999 USD p.p

>> Aditional Camping Night in Serengeti

$360 USD Per Person

>> Optional Lodge Accomodation

More details

>> 3 Day - Serengeti & Full Ngorongoro Crater Safari Expedition

Two days of adventures 

Day 1: Full Ngorongoro Safari Expedition

Day 2 Serengeti Safari Expedition

Day 3 Serengeti Safari Expedition

Rated in TripAdvisor:
3 days
2 - 8 Participants
Pick up from Arusha:
Full Meals:
Camping Equipment:
Camping Fees:
National Parks to Visit:
Full Ngorongoro Safari
Entrances & Permits
Optional Activities:
Massai Village Visit
Walking Safaris
Serengeti Ballo0n

>> Conservation Fees:

2 persons

$1380 USD p.p

3 persons - $1340 USD p.p

4 - 5 persons - $1300 USD p.p

6 - 8 persons - $1280 USD p.p

>> Aditional Camping Night in Serengeti

$360 USD p.p


>> Optional Lodge Accomodation

More details

>> 4 Day Serengeti Full Ngorongoro & Manyara Safari Expedition

Two days of adventures 

Day 1: Full Ngorongoro Safari Expedition

Day 2 Serengeti Safari Expedition

Day 3 Serengeti Safari Expedition

Day 4 Serengeti Safari & Lake  Manyara


Rated in TripAdvisor:
4 days
2 - 8 Participants
Pick up from Arusha:
Full Meals:
Camping Equipment:
Camping Fees:
National Parks to Visit:
Full Ngorongoro
Lake Manyara
Entrances & Permits
Optional Activities:
Tarangire National Park
Maynara National Park
Maynara National Par
Walking Safaris
Cultural Experiences

>> Conservation Fees:

2 persons -

$1800 USD p.p

3 persons - $1750 USD p.p

4 - 5 persons - $1720 USD p.p

6 - 8 persons - $1690 USD p.p

>> Optional Lodges Accomodation

More details

>> 5 Day Full Safari Adventure - Tarangire - Manyara Ngorongoro & Serengeti

Two days of adventures 

Day 1: Taranguire Safari Expedition

Day 2 Tarangire & Manyara Safari Expedition

Day 3 Visit to Ngorongoro National Park

Day 4 Serengeti Safari Expeditioni

Day 5 Serengeti Safari Expedition

Rated in TripAdvisor:
5 days
2 - 8 Participants
Pick up from Arusha:
Full Meals:
Camping Equipment:
Camping Fees:
National Parks to Visit:
Entrances & Permits
Optional Activities:
Night Safari
Ngorongoro Crater Safari
Serengeti Air Balloon
Walking Safaris
Cultural Experiences

Conservation Fees:

2 persons -

$1800 USD p.p

3 persons - $1750 USD p.p

4 - 5 persons - $1720 USD p.p

6 - 8 persons - $1690 USD p.p

>> Optional Lodges Accomodation

More details